Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Turn the key

In the future, all will be automated.  All will react, compose, consume, stop, and move at the command of your voice or a chip with artificial intelligence.

You will cease to write.  Cease to think of the letters and words being committed to paper with pen as we once did.  You will speak and there it will be.  There is a study in handwriting, a forensic science...a way to read into someone's own mind just by looking at the way they write something.  That, will be gone.  People who had dedicated their lives in the profession of writing in a style, dedicated to training, control, patience and grace...will be no more with the mere selection of chosen fonts.

You will not drive.  The pedal, the wheel, the gauges will be all but moot and therefore non existent.  You will say where you wish to go, and it will take you there.  You will never go too fast, pull out too far, park too staggered.  

You will be shuttled through your life.

But on these roads there will be a driver.

One who is committed to taking control of the vehicle.  Speed, is nothing without control.  To know that it is MAN DRIVING MACHINE.  They will not be TAKEN anywhere.  They commit their feet to the pedals, the hands to the wheel, their eyes and mind to the road.  In them, a feeling that we will be medicated from, put down by those who seek to control our thoughts and action: the drive.  The drive that makes us want and wonder.  The drive that says the sign is the final destination, but there's still more road to travel, and you can get there.  

You can drive.

You can be something more than a cog or drone in your daily life.  You can be a master at the day to day, ruler of how you commune and communicate.  Never stop learning how to do or how to say, how to live and live well.

You can drive.  Where some see a car as status or a means to get around, others see freedom...dangerous freedom, as there should be no other kind.  True freedom to accept a chaos people and things can bring, but acknowledgment and awareness of, and a dedication and training to fight that chaos in the hearts and minds of all can only bring success.  You are the artisan AND engineer of your own life.   

Commit to write.

Commit to drive.

Before all that made us poets, dreamers, daredevils, experts, and humans with potential that were meeting that potential is gone.  Gone and in its stead is word with no thought, a destination with no journey, and an existence with no life.
